The Antidote to Sin

We had a presentation about the Western Missionary Museum in the restored Church of St. Paul the Prospector in Virginia City by Kate High, Project C0-Manager. Email her at for more information or click for a copy of the flyer

The gospel John 9:1-41 is available to read (click for sermon text) or listen to it read by The Rev. Deacon Betty Bianchi in the recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the sermon now or click on the link: Download below the player to save a mp3 file for listening later.

Can God Be Trusted?

Father Jeff asks us to imagine what is like to trust the God who has chosen not to reveal the secrets of the universe to us. Faithful folks, by the grace of God, choose to trust. And so, we have a chance. You can read the Genesis 2:15 – 3:21 text here.

The gospel Matthew 4:1-11 (click for text) is available written and you may listen to it in the recording below.

Click on the white triangle in the player below to listen now or click on the link: Download below the player to save a mp3 file for listening later.