Lisa Young Speaks About Relationship and Presence

Lisa Young tells about her spiritual journey that brought her to St. Peter’s. Father Jeff Paul talks about his journey in relationships and in God’s presence in his life and vocation. Where is God in this?

You can read the scripture by clicking on the gospel reading John 6:51-58 or listen to it in our recording below.

Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

Carol Reed and Julie Maxwell are recognized as Certified Spiritual Directors.

[A Spiritual Director is] a person, lay or ordained, with whom one communicates concerning the spiritual life may also be known as a soul-friend, soul-mate, or spiritual companion. A director listens and, when appropriate, responds by giving “direction” which may include spiritual advice, help with discernment, suggested reading or action, or a question to ponder….Spiritual directors seek to be available for open and honest sharing concerning the spiritual life.

150th Anniversary Celebration

The Rev. William Maxwell Reilley, first missionary priest of St. Peter’s. Served Nov 1863 – Jun 1868

Sadly, they didn’t have audio recordings in those days…

Mercy For Me

Rev. Eric tells us the kingdom of God is where Justice and Mercy are combined by empathy using the reading from the Hebrew scriptures: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:13a (click to read the story or let Rev. Eric tell you in the recording below.)  Rev. Eric also talks about empathy that also appears in Ephesians 4:1-16

You can read the scripture by clicking on the gospel reading John 6:24-35 or listen to it in our recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

We Knead Mindfulness

Rev. Eric Heidecker talks about the simpleness and sacredness of bread; how all of ordinary life is holy, and where it isn’t how our task to to make all of life God’s kingdom.

You can read the scripture by clicking on the gospel reading John 6:1-21  or listen to it in our recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

The Other

Rev. Eric Heidecker talks about how we create the other to be less than human while our mission is to bring others into the household of God. The sermon ends with this Episcopal collect (prayer) included below:

O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us
through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole
human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which
infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us;
unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and
confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in
your good time, all nations and races may serve you in
harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.

You can read the scripture by clicking on the gospel reading Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 or listen to it and Ephesians 2:11-22 in our recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

Where’s Your Plum Line?

The Plumb Line and the City - Coventry Cathedral
By Jim Linwood [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Rev. Eric Heidecker sings some CCC and talks about how we make decisions in difficult times by looking at our inner Amos.

Click image to open a tab to play YouTube recording

You can read the scripture by clicking on the readings of Amos 7:7-17 and Mark 6:14-29 or listen to gospel in our recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

Sharing Weakness Makes Us Strong

Rev. Eric Heidecker talks about sharing weakness as a way to authentic community. You can read the scripture by clicking on the gospel reading: Mark 6:1-13 or listen to the last portion of it in our recording below. Rev. Heidecker also includes: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 in his message, click the scripture reference to read the text.

Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

The Gift of Desperation

Father Jeff explores the gift that desperation can bring and shares the history of the recovered and restored “Priests Companion Kits”.

You can read the scripture by clicking on the gospel reading Mark 5:21-43 or listen to it in the recording below. You may read Hebrew scriptures by clicking on the scripture reference: 2 Samuel 1:1-27.

Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

Second Circle of Kin

Father Jeff talks about being the friends of Jesus, of each other, and ultimately all of creation. In the midst of the message, Marietta Sophie Paul tells her faith journey which joins up with Father Jeff’s. 

The most important thing I need to say is: Thank you. For me coming in here, I was scared to death and the community of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church welcomed me with open arms. I don’t know who you were expecting but I’m sure it wasn’t me. I not your classic priest wife but I am what I am. – Marietta Sophie Paul

You can read the scripture by clicking on the readings of John 15:9-17 or listen to gospel in our recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.

Seeing God in Twice As Many Places

Rev. Eric Heidecker talks about Earth Day and his time among Native Americans…along with one woman that taught him how to see God in twice as many places. The sermon ends with Now The Green Blade Riseth included below:

Click on the gospel reading John 10:11-18 to read it or listen to it in our recording below. Click on the white triangle in the black bar-shaped player below to listen to the scripture and sermon now or click on the link labeled: Download below the player to save an audio mp3 file for listening later.